2014 Summer Theatrical Day Camps
Grades K - 12
Click link to print CAMP NPAC KIDS 2014 FLYER
July 7-11: 3 Piggy Opera & Three Nanny Goats Gruff (K-2 grade)
July 14-18: Sleeping Beauty (3-6 grade)
July 21-25: Alice in Wonderland (7-12 grade)
TUITION: $250 per student; additional siblings $225
CAMP TIMES/DAYS: Monday - Friday
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Drop-off 8:45 AM
Pick-up 3:15 PM
For more information, please contact:
Angie Wilson, Managing Director
Niswonger Performing Arts Center
Phone: 423-638-1328
Email: awilson@npacgreeneville.com